Showing posts with label cheats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cheats. Show all posts

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Getting Behind Invisible Walls

Here is a neat trick for getting around invisible walls in the game. This is best for end game content that you want to see. Just watch the video and it should explain it all.

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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Realm of the Fae Expert (repeatable boss kill)

So you clear your way to the first boss in Expert realm of the fae, Trickster Maelow.
The boss stands there, with her two smaller faes that bubble and heal her through out the fight.
There is a tree in that courtyard where the boss is located. You pull the boss to that tree, Kill 1 of the smaller faes. Dps down the boss while leaving the 2nd smaller fae alone. As long as you have the boss pulled past the tree the 2nd smaller faes wont heal her.

With the boss dying the wall to the passage-way drops, leaving the 2nd smaller fae up you run out of the instance. Once everyone is out your group re-enters the instance. All trash mobs are still down, you get back to the courtyard where the
trickster is and the corpse of the boss you just killed is laying there, loot ans plagues still on the body and same boss has respawned.

Groups r able to do this over and over for hours.
full t1/t2 in hours.
epics and plaques
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Rift Exploit To Bug Out Expert Fae Boss Mobs

So you clear your way to the first boss in Expert realm of the fae, Trickster Maelow.
The boss stands there, with her two smaller faes that bubble and heal her through out the fight.
There is a tree in that courtyard where the boss is located. You pull the boss to that tree, Kill 1 of the smaller faes. Dps down the boss while leaving the 2nd smaller fae alone. As long as you have the boss pulled past the tree the 2nd smaller faes wont heal her.

With the boss dying the wall to the passage-way drops, leaving the 2nd smaller fae up you run out of the instance. Once everyone is out your group re-enters the instance. All trash mobs are still down, you get back to the courtyard where the
trickster is and the corpse of the boss you just killed is laying there, loot ans plagues still on the body and same boss has respawned.

Groups r able to do this over and over for hours.
full t1/t2 in hours.
epics and plaques
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How to solve the Moonshade puzzle easily and solo

So firstly you head to the puzzle in Moonshade

Then you'll see the switches which you need to keep lit green to fill the device

Now, facing south stand in the middle of the buttons directly infront of the two buttons with two more right infront of you, move back so you're in range of the buttons behind you, infront of you and to the sides(You can check this by putting your cursor over each button and making sure its lit.

Once you do this download Autoclick 2.2 @ ... ywdnr.html

Open the program and enable Smart Click and set the Click intervals to 5/10's of a second. And set it to Right-Click not left click

Press F4 while in the program(Not Alt-F4... We all know what that does.)
When the recording box appears click the [Record] button and hold down your mouse bring the cross hair to each button once that is done press F4 again to go back into the program then simply press F3 do not click back into rift you might move your camera let the program click back in itself.

If you did this right you should have finished it one the buttons have turned off 3 times.
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Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Cleric Trick - Get multiple healing procs from Planar Essences

This "trick" may not be around for long as it makes Clerics and any class capable of proccing heals pretty much invincible and able to solo most mobs in the game including elites.

First things first, get to a Rare Planar Goods (not a regular planar goods npc) vendor and pick up a Planar Essence that procs on heals. 

There should be one of these in each zone.

The cost should bet a purple zone sourceshard and a lot of planarite. For example, the Stonefield one is called Gleaming Stone Seed.

Once equipped in a greater planar slot, it causes your heals to have a chance to proc a 300 hp heal over 8 seconds.

The trick here is it is supposed to heal 300 health total over 8 seconds.

Now you're thinking "why does this matter? You are dumb"

It is here where I say "NO U" because the Justicar tree has an ability called Salvation that heals you for damage done. It counts as a casted heal and it procs this ability from the greater planar essence. So while smashing faces around, you're getting sweet 2400 heals.

Wait, did I say 2400? Yes. The item is bugged so that instead of providing 300 healing over 8 seconds, it gives 300 healing every second for 8! 2400 hp heals total!

So what's the best way to take advantage of this? Try this build on for size:

Soul Tree Calculator: Shaman (31) / Justicar (11) / Druid (0) :: Rift: Planes of Telara :: ZAM

The shaman tree naturally does a lot of damage (which is good because Salvation healing is based on damage done) and also has a talent that increases healing received! Justicar gives you some 5% extra damage, a ranged attack, as well as the important Salvation healing and boosts for it. The third tree is kind of useless but the Fearie healing gets the buff as well, so yeah.

Grab the Freemarch trinket that procs heals for an added boost/hilarity.
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Friday, February 25, 2011

First RIFT Hacks Video

This is currently not released and you will probably be warned on those forums when I release this. The current features include Fly Hack, Speedhack, No Collision and Teleport2Waypoint. I have some more hacks that I'm keeping private in case the current one get risky.

The first part shows Fly Hack, Speedhack and No Collsion. I were playing in minimum quality so it doesn't lag too much.

The second part shows the teleport hack. All you have to do is right click map to set a waypoint and click on teleport button (eventually a hotkey) to get there.

All the hacks that were possible in Warhammer are possible in Rift. The program isn't protected at all.
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