Did you miss out on some fabolous Unicorns last time? Here is another opportunity to expand your mount and pet collection with either Credits or Chaos Motes!
Explore Telara while completing the Hooves and Horns Event and pick up 4 Daily Quests to collect Chaos Motes.
You can find the corresponding NPCs in:
• Meridian ( /setwaypoint 6122 5231 )
• Sanctum ( /setwaypoint 7380 3078 )
• Tempest Bay ( /setwaypoint 12943 11579 ).
Discover and obtain marvelous Unicorns such as the Swift Celestial Unicorn, Burning Opal Unicorn, Noxious Onyx Unicorn and many many more!

This CTA event will start on Friday, June 12th at 12:00am server time and end on Sunday, June 14 at 11:59pm server time.
Don’t miss your chance at catching some of those amazing creatures! Tell your friends, log in, and grab them by their hooves!
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