This Friday, Tacitus and Icarus join Brasse to reveal some 4.2: Celestial Storm features!
Tacitus and Icarus will raise the curtain on the new Instant Adventure coming to Gedlo Badlands (and a bit of advance info on the one being built for Vostigar Peaks) as well as Rift Raids coming with the release of Celestial Storm.
If you have questions pertaining to the new IAs or Raid Rifts, please post them here.
On this stream, we will NOT be able to address classes/souls/balance (Keyens is still working on the final balance pass for 4.2, discussions underway on the PTS forums), or Planar Fragments (Vladd will work on that after 4.2 launches).
The update is right around the corner, on July 19th! We’ll have a Celestial Storm pre-launch stream on July 14th, and a Summerfest stream the following week on the 21st! Lore fiends will enjoy a heaping helping of story on July 28th – we didn’t want to spoil the story for folks in advance!
Fridays at 11:30 am PDT
Simulcast on Facebook, Twitter & YouTube!
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